The Best Worship Guitar Courses
Best Worship Guitar Courses
It seems there is a course for just about everything these days, and for good reason. Good courses offer a step by step process to learn something specific that provides a desired result.
There is no shortage of information online, but courses don’t just offer information; they promise results. Some of the best courses promise a result within a certain time frame.
When most people think about guitar lessons, they think about one on one lessons with an instructor at a local music shop. The problem with one on one lessons is that you are completely reliant on what the instructor knows and what the instructor wants to teach, based on his or her background.
Good worship guitar courses will focus on your specific level and will use worship song as examples. So let’s take a look at the best worship guitar courses online.
Learn 10 Worship Songs in 10 Days Course
The worship guitar short-cut course is for the non musician and absolute beginner that wants to have fun playing a few worship songs. This course has a very unique approach because it uses a tool called the short-cut capo to make all of the chords you need extremely easy to play.
This is a 10 day course that shows you some basics about holding guitar, a few simple one-string songs, a few easy chords, and a strum pattern that works with most songs. From there, you’ll put everything together in the last few days of the course to play though ten worship songs.
The goal of this course is really straight-forward: learn 10 worship songs in 10 days in about 10 minutes a day. When you join, you’ll get a free short-cut capo shipped to your door, and the cost to begin is $14.95.
Guitarmann Beginner Worship Guitar Course
While the Short-Cut Course is the fastest way to play worship guitar because of the short-cut capo, the Guitarmann Beginner Course takes you through the process of actually learning the chords you need to know for most beginner worship songs.
This course starts with chords such as the D chord, A chord, and G chord, and then begins to work those into common clusters called chord families. Once you know the chords within a chord family, you can play the songs in that particular key.
The goal of this course is to lay the foundation for playing guitar long term with proper technique, a handful of common chords, a common strum pattern, and, of course, a few easy worship songs on guitar.
Guitarmann Intermediate Worship Guitar Course
Once you know the basics and can play a handful of songs, the Guitarmann Intermediate Course guides you through how to play rhythm guitar in any key. There are five common chord families used with guitar, and this course will show you the chords you need to play in each one.
The other benefit of this course is that you don’t have to learn or use bar chords. Bar chords can be frustrating to learn, and there is a creative way to avoid them that sounds great and is commonly used in worship songs.
Each chord family is followed up with a worship song in that key so you can practice the chords you’ve learned with a familiar song. As you progress through the lessons, you’ll begin to see how certain chords are commonly used together.
The course also includes several different strum patterns that will work in different scenarios. Once you combine a chord family with the correct strum pattern, you’ll be able to play virtually any song in that particular key.
Finally, the course wraps up with how to use a capo. A capo is a clamp that raises the key of a chord family, depending on where you place it on the fretboard. Once you know how to use a capo correctly, you’ll be able to transform a chord family into any key.
This course covers the essentials of guitar, so once you complete it, you can launch into different styles of guitar.
Guitarmann Electric Worship Guitar Course
This course is designed specifically for the worship guitarist. In the Guitarmann Electric Worship Guitar Course, you’ll learn several different types of scales so that you can solo all over the neck. However, more importantly, you’ll learn about something called chord inversions.
The chord inversions are called “complement chords” because they complement the rhythm guitar with 3 string chords that are higher up on the neck. These chords are typically what the electric worship guitarist plays during a worship song. You can also create signature licks from these inversions.
The goal of this course is for you to be able to solo all over the neck in any key and to easily play along with any worship song using complement chords.
Guitarmann Advanced Chords Course
The Guitarmann Advanced Chords Course is designed to teach you how to identify and play every chord that exists. The first few lessons start with a good understanding of bar chords and include a few tips on how to play them. From there, you’ll learn some music theory that will apply to the bar chords so you can understand how to build a chord.
If you’ve ever seen jazz or blues music, you’ll see all kinds of different chords such as suspending chords, 2 chord, major 7 chords, etc. This course will show you where each chord gets its name and how you can identify exactly what’s happening within a chord.
Once you understand how to build every chord, you’ll see which unique chords are the most commonly used in songs. These chords will help you add variety to the chord families you learned in the Intermediate Course.
This guitar course is perfect for worship songwriters, since it will expand your chord vocabulary and will help with creative song construction.
Guitarmann Nashville Numbers Course
Guitarmann also features a bonus Nashville Number System Course. The system part of this course focuses on a type of charting that is common with studio musicians. It is gaining popularity in worship bands because it provides an exact roadmap of a song and eliminates any guesswork.
The numbers part of the course teaches you how to understand some basic theory behind chords so that you can easily transpose a song into any key on the fly.
Because this method of charting is exact and efficient, it is perfect for worship bands playing several different songs each week. It can cut rehearsal time in half, and musicians love it!
Guitarmann Worship Bass Guitar Course
If you’re interested in learning bass guitar, you can also check these Worship Bass Guitar Lessons, which features 3 separate courses that will help, no matter your skill level. The beginner bass guitar course covers how to play the most common notes so you can play along with worship songs quickly.
The Intermediate Worship Bass course focuses on a simple scale to allow you to easily play in any key. You’ll also learn a few ways to riff!
The Advanced Worship Bass Guitar Course expands to 5 scales which will allow you to play all over the neck. Once you’ve completed this course, you’ll fully understand the neck of the bass and will be able to play any one of the 5 scales in any key.
Summary of the Best Worship Guitar Courses
Short Cut Course
The Goal: Learn 10 worship songs in 10 days,
What You Get: Free short-cut capo, 10 day course, 10 Beginner Songs Songbook, 4 Bonus Days, Another Songbook with 200+ worship song, and more
Cost = $14.95 which starts a subscription; cancel anytime
Beginner Guitar Course
The Goal: Learn the basics, a few chords, a strum pattern, and a handful of worship songs
What You Get: Access to the this full course and all other guitar lessons and courses
Cost = $1 to Start
Intermediate Guitar Course
The Goal: Learn all 5 chord families and how to use a capo so you can play hundreds of songs in any key
What You Get: Access to the this full course and all other guitar lessons and courses
Cost = $1 to Start
Electric Guitar Course
The Goal: Learn several scales, how to solo all over the neck, and how to play complement chords in any key
What You Get: Access to the this full course and all other guitar lessons and courses
Cost = $1 to Start
Advanced Guitar Course
The Goal: Learn several scales, how to solo all over the neck, and how to play complement chords in any key
What You Get: Access to the this full course and all other guitar lessons and courses
Cost = $1 to Start
Nashville Number Course
The Goal: Learn the system that studio musicians use to read music and learn how numbers allow you to transpose a song into any key on the fly. This is a bonus course that is included in any membership.
What You Get: Access to the this full course and all other guitar lessons and courses
Cost = Included with any membership (start any guitar course for $1 to gain access)
All Guitarmann courses are available with a membership which costs $1 for 7 days, and then $14.95 per month afterward (cancel anytime). The membership includes access to hundreds more lessons and song examples posted over the last 10+ years.
- Stephen