learn worship guitar in 10 days
Worship Guitar Lessons
Learn 10 worship songs in 10 days with simple online worship guitar lessons for beginners.
This course is incredibly easy for the beginner - only 2 fingers needed for each chord!
Join thousands who have learned from the "Guitarmann."
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The Best Worship Guitar Course Online
Have you ever watched others have fun playing guitar and wanted to recreate that experience on your own? Well, there is a way to do just that if you’re ready to learn worship guitar. If you can commit just 10 days toward your goal, taking a worship guitar course such as this one will have you playing in no time. Even if you’ve never played an instrument before, you can learn ten songs in ten days.
Stephen has taught thousands of people just like you, he has been featured in Worship Leader magazine, and his guitar lessons have been viewed millions of times.
Included in the course, is a chord songbook that will show you exactly how to play your first 10 worship songs.
You’ll learn the following worship songs:
I Can Only Imagine, How Great is Our God, Way Maker, Wonderful Cross, I Am Set Free, Raise a Hallelujah, Mighty to Save, Oceans, Blessed Be Your Name, What a Beautiful Name
Praise and Worship Music
Learn Worship Guitar
Whether you’ve played a little before or just got your first guitar yesterday, these worship guitar lessons for beginners will take you through the fundamentals of worship music. As you learn basic chord shapes with only one and two fingers, these acoustic guitar lessons will help you focus on exactly what you need to play songs as quickly as possible.
These worship guitar lessons are online, which means you’re able to play in the comfort of your own home or wherever you wish. Learn at your own pace and have fun while you progress.
"I was intimidated about learning guitar at first, but Stephen's method gave me confidence to help me get over my fear of getting started and got me playing quickly!"
Mary M.
The Problem with Other Methods
If you’ve tried other guitar programs or guitar books, you may have been confused as you tried to learn. Many books begin with teaching you how to read music; however, that’s the last thing you need to get started. Guitar is a chord based instrument, and taking the time to learn how to ready individual notes will only slow you down and create frustration.
Some methods use chords, techniques, and strum patterns that aren’t found in modern day praise and worship music. To play guitar with most worship songs, you only need to learn one main strum pattern and a few chords.
This course has a very specific goal: learn to play ten worship songs in ten days. If you’re not actually having fun playing guitar, nothing else really matters. The goal for the beginner should be to know enough to play familiar songs. All of the other concepts can wait for later.
"This is by far the best online guitar learning method; I wasn't just mimicking but was understanding what's going on with guitar, and it has help me be able to play on my own within 2 weeks."
Manual R.
Can You Really Learn Guitar in 10 Days?
With this course, you’ll play your first song on guitar within three days. As you progress, you'll be playing full songs in under two weeks, thanks, in large part, to the free short-cut capo you’ll receive when you join. The short-cut capo turns every chord into a one or two finger chord.
Imagine being able to learn worship guitar in 10 days. That is virtually impossible with any other method. The reason this is called the “Short-Cut Course” is because it will fast-track you to having fun playing songs as fast as humanly possible. There really isn’t a faster way to learn worship guitar.
You’ll also have enough materials and content to continue to progress for as long as you want afterward, to master techniques beyond the basics with an included Guitarmann membership.
There are several other praise and worship lessons that will help you lead worship well or even enjoy playing at home. As you begin this course, you can also check out the free Christian worship guitar lessons available for beginners, intermediate, and even advanced musicians.
By the way, if you’re in the market for a beginner guitar, check out the best guitars for worship guide to help you choose your next guitar.
You'll not only have access to the short-cut course, but you'll have access to every guitar lesson on Guitarmann.
There are literally hundreds of lessons and video song examples, so you can take your playing as far as you want.
Guitarmann Full Access
Easy Worship Songs on Guitar
The secret to playing easy worship songs on guitar is knowing a simple strum pattern and knowing the most common chords that work with hundreds of songs. This worship guitar course will not only show you how to play your first 10 songs, but it will also show you how to play over 200 worship songs using the same techniques.
In the first few days of the course, you’ll learn how to hold the guitar, how to hold a pick, and how to play a few simple chords. You’ll play your first song within three days, and you’ll know how to strum through all ten songs by day ten. You’ll be playing the top 3-chord worship songs for guitar within days.
However, to keep going, you’ll need just a few more concepts that will unlock hundreds of songs. In the four bonus lessons, you’ll learn how to add in a few extra chords that you may see in other songs. Then you’ll learn how to play in different keys, while still using a short-cut capo. Finally, you’ll learn how to read a charting method that is designed to make learning a chord-based song as simple as possible.
By day 14, you will have everything you need to play through over 200 worship songs, and you’ll receive an exclusive bonus downloadable ebook full of chord charts. You will be able to pick out and play each of these easy Christian guitar songs as you apply the chords and strum pattern you learn in this course.
Playing 10 songs in 10 days is pretty cool, but with this free bonus, you'll get 4 extra free lessons that will teach you a few more simple concepts to show you how to play over 200 worship songs!
You'll also get a free songbook with over 200 worship songs designed just for the short cut capo.
Bonus Lessons and Book
Easy Christian Guitar Songs
Here is a full list of worship song chord charts that are included in the bonus song book. You’ll have everything you need to play through each of these songs by the end of this two week course.
10,000 Reasons
All About You
All Bow Down
All Because of Jesus
All Hail the Power All in All
All Who Are Thirsty
Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace ALT
Amazing Love
Ancient Of Days
Angels We Have Heard On High
At the Cross (Love Ran Red)
Awake My Love
Be Glorified
Be Thou
Beautiful One
Because He Lives
Before the Throne
Better Is One Day
Bless His Name
Blessed Assurance
Blessed Be Your Name
Born is the King
Break Our Hearts Breathe
Build My Life
Call it Grace
Change My Heart
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Christ the Lord (He is Not Dead)
City On A Hill
Come Let Us Return
Come Let Us Worship
Come Now Is the Time To Worship
Come Thou Fount
Create In Me
Crown Him With Many Crowns Death was Arrested
Do it Again
Days of Elijah
Did You Feel
Even When it Hurts (abbreviated) Everlasting God
Famous One
Father Let Me Dedicate
For All You’ve Done
For This I Have Jesus
For Who You Are
Friend of God
From the Inside Out
Generation Song
Give Me Faith
Glorious Day
Glory in the Highest
God Is Great
God Of Wonders
God With Us
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen Good Good Father
Graves Into Gardens
Great In Power
Great Are You Lord
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Great Things
Greatly to Be Praised -
Hallelujah for the Cross
Hark the Herald
He Is My Fortress
He Shall Reign
Heart Of Worship
Help Us Accept Each Other
Here I Am To Worship
Here is Love
Holy And Anointed One
Holy Holy Holy Alt
Holy Is The Lord
Holy Spirit
How Can I Keep From Singing
How Great Is Our God
How Great Thou Art
How He Loves
How Marvelous (What Man Is This) Humble King
Hymn of Joy
I Am Set Free
I Can Only Imagine
I Could Sing
I Give You My Heart
I Lift My Eyes Up
I’ll Give
I Love You Lord alt
I Love You Lord
I Stand Amazed
I Stand in Awe
I Surrender All
I Thank You Lord
I Will Offer Up My Life
I Will Follow
I Will Rise
I Will Worship
In Christ Alone
It Is Well
It’s Christmas
Jesus Be The Center
Jesus Lover of My Soul
Jesus Messiah
Jesus Paid it All
Jesus We Love You
Joy to the World (Unspeakable) Joyful Joyful
King of Kings
Let Everything
Let My Words Be Few
Let The River Flow
Let Us Adore Him
Lion and the Lamb
Living Hope
Lord I Lift
Lord I Need You
Lord You Have My Heart
Love Is A Cross
Made to Worship
Majesty Chorus
Majesty Hymn
Making Melody
Message of The Cross
Midnight Clear
Mighty to Save
Mission’s Flame
My Beloved
My Jesus I Love Thee
My Lighthouse
No Longer Slaves
No Longer Slaves (radio version)
No Other Name
Not To Us
Nothing But The Blood
Nothing But The Blood (Redman) Nothing is Impossible
O Come Emmanuel
O Come Let Us Adore Him
O Come to the Altar
O For a Thousand Tongues
O Holy Night
O Praise Him
O Praise the Name
Offering Of Love
One Thing Remains
One True God
Once Again
One Way
Open The Eyes
Open up the Heavens
Our God -
Peace Like a River
Pour Out My Heart
Praise the King
Prince Of Peace
Psalm (Revive me)
Pure and Holy Passion
Raise a Hallelujah
Restore My Soul
Salvation Is Here Complete Salvation Is Here
Sanctuary/I Exalt Thee
Saviour King
See a Victory
Shout To The Lord
Sing Your Love
Stand in Your Love
Standing on the Promises
Sweetly Broken
Take All Of Me
Take My Life
Tell Me the Stories
Thank You For Saving Me
Thank You For the Blood
The First Place
The Glory of God
The Love of Christ
The One Who Saves
The Prayer of the Saints
The Solid Rock
The Stand
The Table
This I Believe (The Creed)
This is Amazing Grace
This Is My Desire
Those Who Trust
Through it All
To God Be the Glory
To You Oh Lord
Unfailing Love
Unstoppable God
Way Maker
We Are Hungry
We Exalt Thee
We Fall Down
What a Beautiful Name
What a Friend
What a Love
What Child Is This
What Love is This
Where the Spirit of the Lord is
Who You Say I Am
Whom Shall I Fear
Wonderful Cross
Word of God Speak
Yes I Will
You Alone
You Are My All In All
You Are My King
You Are So Good to Me
You Led Me to the Cross
You Make Me Brave
You Never Let Go
You Said
Your Grace Is Enough
Your Great Name
Your Love Is Amazing
Your Love Oh Lord
Your Promises
"I started guitar with Stephen’s method, and now I use it weekly in leading our worship services. He has a keen awareness of contemporary worship and how guitar fits in."
Mark L.
How Much Is It?
No matter how many worship acoustic guitar lessons you want to take, you can start today for less than half the cost of one traditional lesson. When you join, you’ll receive a short-cut capo that’s worth more than your payment. You’ll also receive the ten day course, the ten songs songbook, a bonus four lessons, the bonus 200 songs songbook, and a membership that gives you access to every popular worship guitar course on the site.
One of the reasons these lessons have helped thousands of people is because they are incredibly affordable. On top of that, you have a full 30 days to decide if the course is right for you. We offer a full money-back refund.
Stephen, thanks for offering incredible lessons at an affordable price. I am just really happy right now and I had to write something. I have improved my playing and learned more in two months than I had in the past years of local lessons and playing on my own. You are a great teacher and exactly what I needed. I will continue with the lessons and hope to lead the praise songs for my Bible study group soon. Thanks again, this is the best investment I ever made toward learning to play guitar."
Tony K.
Here’s What You Get
Short Cut Capo
Your capo (worth $20) will ship as soon as you enroll and will arrive in about 3 business days in the US.
Short Cut Course
Watch one lesson per day for ten days to learn how to play. Each lesson is designed for the beginner.
10 Worship Songs Songbook
This worship songbook will help you know exactly what to play with the ten songs you’ll learn.
Video Song Examples
Play along with 10 video worship songs so you can make sure you feel comfortable implementing what you’ve learned.
Bonus Songbook
You’ll get four bonus lessons and a songbook to go beyond the basics and play 200+ worship songs.
Guitarmann Member Access
With hundreds of lessons for every skill level and style of play, take your guitar playing as far as you want.
That’s a Total Value of $414!
Start today for only $14.95
When you enroll, we’ll ship your capo the same or next business day. The course is designed so you can go ahead and start as you wait for your capo to arrive.
Bummer! This course is currently closed.
Go here for worship guitar lessons.
Watch the full video at the top of this page to find out how to get the course completely free. Your Guitarmann subscription starts when you enroll and recurs each month at the same rate; however, you can cancel with a click at any time. 30 Day Refund Guarantee.